Saturday 29 September 2012

Where to begin?

I've been meaning to get this whole blog thing underway for a ridiculous amount of time now. I'll start by introducing myself; I'm Rachel.

I'm 17 (18 in a month- bring it on!) and currently studying for my A-levels, whilst keeping up a weekend job in a café, bakery and ice cream shop. I guess you could say that this makes me a pretty typical teenager with pretty typical teenage finances- I'm as poor as a church mouse. So, it's somewhat unfortunate, I suppose, that I've got a rather expensive hobby which is hoarding make up, fashion and beauty products like there is no flippin' tomorrow.

I'm sure I can't be the only girl who enjoys a lifestyle she can't financially sustain, so I guess jumping on the blogging bandwagon and passing the occasional thought on the affordable-beauty-product-of-the-moment can't be such a bad idea.

I've just had my final splurge of the year (or so I tell myself) on a couple of online orders from and, so I'll have plenty to witter on about for a bit. Very excited to get going on the nitty-gritty of the cosmetic world so I'm going to keep my little intro short and sweet for now! Hopefully I'll get the hang of this blogging thing nice and quickly.


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